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  • Writer's pictureSamantha Tishner


The year 2020 will definitely be one for the history books. There have been a lot of crazy things that have happened that we never would have imagined, at least I never would have imagined in my lifetime.

And then 2021 starts with more political crazy. But I will not let that define my year. I will not give up hope that 2021 will be a better year.

I know many people are scared in regard to what is going on in the U.S. It is very unnerving watching the news or other media sources about what is happening in our world. The hatred is shared amongst one another for other’s opinions, the divide in our government, and the uncertainty that it all leaves is very difficult to process.

I would encourage each one of you to find your limits. Know your limits of how much you can listen to before it starts affecting your spirit, your mood, your overall well-being.

If you consume yourself with all the negative that is happening in this world, it breeds more negative. It is good to understand what is happening or to be aware of what is happening, but it is not important to know every detail or the never ending opinions of others.

With every statement, you will find those who are passionate for it and those who are passionate against it. Lately, the fuel and hatred between the two is very unsettling.

But if you find your limits and do not go past it and spend the rest of your day seeking good, it will make a shift in your life in a positive way, as well as it will help those around you. If you look around, there are a lot of good and positive things happening. You have a choice where you focus your attention - choose positivity, hope and peace.

Find something that is uplifting to read, watch or listen to. Find something to help others, which in turn will help your spirit. Find a way to focus on something that is good to drown out the negative. Let the positive, uplifting content you find drown out the negative.

If you search, you can find just as much positive online, to read or on TV. I encourage you to find those positive programs and fill your day with as much of it as possible. Instead of worrying, let’s turn this over to God. Seek him to help you get through all of this crazy.

I am hopeful that you seek peace in this world. I am hopeful that you find positivity. I am hopeful that you find joy in your heart. We choose where we want to focus, and my focus will continue to be hope. I will continue to look for peace, love and joy that does exist in this world.

Sending you peace, love and joy, my friend. Sam

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